Mortgage Brokers in Altrincham, Manchester & Liverpool

Mortgage advice

that opens new doors

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Expert Mortgage Advisers

Your mortgage made easy

Your mortgage journey begins with a free, no-obligation conversation that takes an in-depth look at your personal circumstances. You might be joining the property ladder for the first time, taking the next rung up or a step back down. Or perhaps you want to release equity or improve your financial position.

Whatever your situation, as one of Manchester’s and Liverpool's leading independent mortgage advisers we’re on your side. And ready to help you succeed.

We have access to a wide range of products from High Street Lenders and specialist products not available direct. And, because we only make promises we can keep, we always recommend a mortgage we’re confident you’ll secure.
Work with us and you’ll discover that finding the right mortgage is just the beginning. As CeMAP qualified mortgage brokers we’re able to provide you with comprehensive mortgage advice. Empowering you to make the right decision every step of the way.
Our Promise

Nothing to pay until you complete

From start to completion we’ll be your only point of contact. No solicitors, no banks, no paperwork, no stress. Everything comes through us making your mortgage application super simple and hassle-free.

Like our service, our fees are completely transparent. We charge a flat-rate fee that’s agreed in advance and doesn’t contain any hidden amounts.

We want you to be as confident in our award-winning service as we are. That’s why we operate on a ‘no key, no fee’ basis. This guarantees you won’t pay a penny until your property deal completes or your new mortgage starts.

Bell Financial Solutions are your dedicated mortgage broker covering Manchester, Liverpool, Stockport, Altrincham, Wilmslow, Sale, Urmston, and the surrounding areas.

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News & Insights

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More Looking to Property Investments to Generate Income

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5 Big Reasons Why Spring is A Good Time to Sell Your Property

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Remortgages: Don’t Just Settle for Your Lender’s Offer

Remortgages: Don’t Just Settle for Your Lender’s Offer

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Act Fast to Secure Your Mortgage Rate

Act Fast to Secure Your Mortgage Rate

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Are Your Savings Working For You?

Are Your Savings Working For You?

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We’re all ears.

Let’s have a chat about what you need and how we can help.